Friday, June 10, 2011


That's what I want to do every time I go into our closet.

(my side)

(Skip's side) 

Ugh, grossest. I have a really crappy shoe organizer (ahem, "organizer") that I was too lazy to bring back after I brought it home years ago and realized that it was, in fact, a piece of junk. It was like those rope ladders that you had to climb in gym class. Remember? The ones that were tethered to the ground were easy to climb, but the ones that just hung from the ceiling and you basically had you use only your upper body to try and climb this "ladder"? And there was always the one boy in class that was really strong and kind of a hick and he could climb it super fast? No?

Well anyway, here are more pics of our disgusting master bedroom closet.

(Skip's side)

(my side)

So the other day I decided that, hey, this closet is too gross. Way too gross. I am going to buy one thing to help me organize this closet, and I think I need to start with a decent shoe organizer. I bought one from Target, and really should have gotten it in white instead, but again, was too lazy to bring it back. And also too excited to get this thing ORGANIZED!

Oh man, it feels too good! I ended up being able to fit only my shoes in the organizer, and I had no idea I had so many freaking boots, but here you go.

Things I found and got rid of:
-an entire trash bag worth of hangers from the dry cleaners and that came from the store (like when you buy pants)
-a bunch of belts that I never wore
-lots of old shoes I never wore
-gross old flip flops for taking showers when we went camping *shudder*
-two big storage containers: one didn't have anything in it except for a lid that didn't even fit it, and another one full of old clothes we hadn't touched in years
-a bag of clothes that was in progress of being filled and sent to Goodwill
-two more bags of clothes that were bagged and sent to Goodwill (along with the bag of old shoes)

I also hung up our hoodies instead of slapping them on the weird, oddly angled shelf above the clothes rack and tried grouping together nice work clothes and, well, more hoodies. You guys, for the rest of the day I felt so much lighter and would periodically go upstairs just to look at my sparkling closet.

When Skip saw it, he gave the the slow clap, and I pumped my fists in the air like a champion. Champion!!


  1. Kate... I really want to be a guest blogger on your new blog sometime!! I LOVE this stuff!!!

  2. oh my god, this blog may in fact be the best thing that has EVER happened to you. AND to me, girl. And to ME!!!!!
