Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Our silverware situation was annoying. We have a pretty small kitchen, and for the first two years of our marriage we didn't have a dishwasher. Not a big deal, but then we found out we were having Baby #1 and we decided we should probably get a dishwasher. Great idea, totally worth it, although it took out two cabinets and two drawers of our already cramped kitchen (and left us with two small drawers and one really small drawer).

Now that Baby #1 AND 2 are a little older, we can now refocus our attention on things that do not include babies, babies, and babies. Hence, this blog. And finally making our kitchen useful again!

The first solution that we tried years ago was to keep our silverware in the pantry in a wire slide out drawer... thing. It worked, I guess.

But then the pantry door broke, and opening the broken door to get a fork and then closing the broken door and then realizing you also needed a spoon quickly became a huge pain in the butt. But do you ever have things in your life that annoy you and you don't realize that there could potentially be a solution? It took us a loooong time to think, hey, maybe we should switch out this jam packed drawer full of pot holders and bibs with the silverware!

So we did!

So not only will it be much easier to actually find the silverware drawer, it's way more practical. Also here is my helper:

(Here is the silverware organizer we used!)

1 comment:

  1. ugh yes! also where is this new drawer? errr.... old drawer? I need a wide shot people!
